Nature of the Meta Codex

The Grand Arcanum, interpreted

Present in every moment, it is often hidden below the surface of what we see and hear. You must seek it and develop your ability to sense it.

Sometimes it reveals itself in spontaneously and sometimes it appears in dramatic fashion. Even then it might be indirect, and if you scrutinize too intently it will become elusive once more.

Rarely can we say for sure: “That was magic; there is no other explanation.” It is almost never this bold and clearly defined.

Magic is the connection you make to a deeper part of yourself that is in turn connected to every other part of your being and to every other living being, plus every point in space and time. Hence the Meta Codex, The Living Magic, is the facilitator of this unity and the awareness of it.


The spirit and body of magic has been with us since before history and contact with it can take a person to any point along this timeline.


The Meta Codex is accessible through every person, place, thing, or idea. You simply have to learn how to evoke or contact it.


Good and evil, life and death, all at once. Unchanging in essence, but shifting and altering to suit the age it interacts with. As Lao Tsu said, “the shape (surface) changes, but not the form (deeper aspect).

Once we unleash magical force, it typically takes the path of least resistance and greatest affinity (or correspondence). This, among other reasons, is why the results of magical work may take surprising forms or occur in unexpected places. Ideally this will all be serendipitous and we still get what we wanted or something better. However, if we are not careful or are foolish in our initial desire we can also make trouble for ourselves or others.